There is an idea going around about integrating the HASS subjects. Although The content in each subject is sequenced across the years it was developed separately by different ACARA working parties with no year-based themes in mind.
My view is very strong. You will be wasting your time and confusing your students trying to integrate the 'unintegrateable'. One term on each subject in Year 5-10 is the logical structure Hence all our materials are designed for delivery in one school term (approximately 9 weeks). We have based our Year 5 and Year 6 materials on the SCSA suggested time for HASS of two hours per week; and our Year 7-10 materials on three hours per week.
However, I am a great believer in using prior knowledge to 'make new meaning'. There are links between content across HASS subjects. For example, use understanding of natural resources from Year 5 and Year 6 EandB when teaching about renewable and non-renewable resources and Australia's water resources in Year 7 Geography. Another example is to use students understanding of people taking action to influence the resource use of businesses from Year 5 E and B when teaching about lobby groups and direct action in Year 8 Civics and Citizenship.
I am developing a chart to show the links that I have identified between EandB knowledge and understanding and the knowledge and understanding from the other three HASS subjects.I will post the chart. Get linking!